Use "stifled his laughter|stifle his laughter" in a sentence

1. I tried to stifle my laughter.

2. 20 Laughter animated his face.

3. (Laughter) And his was gambling, compulsively.

4. His shoulders twitched with suppressed laughter.

5. (Laughter) He shook his head, no.

6. His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.

7. 10 His hysterical laughter made everybody stunned.

8. A chorus of laughter greeted his remark.

9. His words were swamped by the laughter.

10. His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

11. Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.

12. 3 His words were swamped by the laughter.

13. 10 Laughter animated his face for a moment.

14. Disappointingly, his acts have been met with laughter.

15. ( Laughter ) In his write- up of this experiment in his book,

16. (Laughter) With a sweatshirt there tied around his waist.

17. The whole room was soon infected by his laughter.

18. His laughter now was ecstatic; he wiped away tears.

19. 23 Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.

20. 8 His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

21. He could coax tears and laughter from his audience.

22. ( Shouts ) ( Laughter ) ( Shouts ) ( Laughter )

23. His laughter was not becoming on that solemn occasion.

24. His remarks sent a ripple of laughter through the audience.

25. His laughter was cathartic, an animal yelp that brought tears to his eyes.

26. Cassidy winked with his one eye and burst into laughter.

27. Her laughter and fragrance and willful glances were his tribute.

28. 12 He could coax tears and laughter from his audience.

29. And the laughter ... The laughter was demonic.

30. (Laughter) Another one in a monitor screen in his eye line.

31. (Laughter) We tore everything down and buried it in his backyard.

32. He gave his laugh, his rich, his million-dollar laugh, reluctant, like all the most lovable laughter.

33. This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter.

34. He did his best to retrieve the situation, amidst some laughter.

35. Father Gannon added, his sudden pronged laughter jolting up her spine.

36. Laughter.

37. 8 Father Gannon added, his sudden pronged laughter jolting up her spine.

38. His manner was so impressive that his hearers were conscious that their light laughter jarred somewhat .

39. ( Laughter ) Now.

40. (Shouts) (Laughter)

41. Pouting mockingly, he gives his considered reply, before creasing up with laughter as his answer is translated.

42. Geoffrey turned to his admirers and Adherents with a roar of derisive laughter

43. (Laughter) Frogs.

44. (Fussing) (Laughter)

45. [ Laughter ] Pat Buchanan got $ 100 from Abortionists for Buchanan. [ Laughter ]

46. Cachinnation: wild laughter, loud uncontrolled laughter: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

47. (Laughter) Even when crawling all over the bottle, the male couldn't discover his mistake.

48. There was sycophantic laughter from the audience at every one of his terrible jokes.

49. Uh, no. " ( Laughter )

50. (Laughter) No kidding.

51. ( Microwave beeps ) ( Laughter )

52. A Bellow of rage/laughter etc Alex gave another Bellow of laughter

53. (Laughter) It's terrible.

54. ( Laughter ) ( Music ) ( Whistling )

55. (Laughter) Cool, yeah?

56. ( Laughter ) Cool, yeah?

57. Cachinnation immoderate laughter

58. Audience: (Shouts) (Laughter)

59. (Microwave beeps) (Laughter)

60. They burst into laughter and we piled once again into his car for another search.

61. How had he expected her to react to his betrayal - with laughter, perhaps, or nonchalance?

62. He continued his story through stifled sobs.

63. 11 Forrester waited for the laughter to die down, then carried on with his speech.

64. They burst into laughter.

65. " You're really talented. " ( Laughter )

66. And -- ( Drilling noise ) ( Laughter )

67. (Laughter) Yeah, you did.

68. (Laughter) Incredibly smart approach.

69. She burst into laughter.

70. Miranda shrieked with laughter.

71. (Laughter) He loved knitting.

72. (Laughter) Reputations are volatile.

73. [ many coughs and laughter ]

74. Cachinnation: 1 n loud convulsive laughter Type of: laugh , laughter the sound of laughing

75. 11 They burst into laughter.

76. He burst into raucous laughter .

77. The fat driver giggled, then burst into full laughter, the rolls under his robes quivering like jellies.

78. At other times a wild laughter would bubble up out of his body for no apparent reason.

79. (Laughter) But that's all right.

80. In your tears and laughter